2006 at Domaine de Marcoux
A relatively cold, long and windy winter, but no rain.
After pruning, we worked the soil. Rain fell on 22 May.
On the 24th, the Mistral got up and blew until 6 June, every single day, up to 120 km/h – and it tired us out! There was damage in the vineyards, but less than we expected, doubtless because the canes grew very slowly, making them stronger.
There was a little coulure, due to the wind no doubt, but the grapes were very healthy.
It was very hot. After a storm in mid-July, the heatwave resumed. August was milder.
We began harvesting on 5 September but were soon halted by 100 mm of rain. We waited for the vines to digest this rain, then resumed picking. Then it rained again; we waited again, resumed picking, and finished on 10 October! But even so, it was a good vintage!